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Ultimate Uists

A birdwatching and nature discovery holiday to the varied and beautiful islands of North and South Uist. Internationally renowned for the rare Machair habitat, rich in wildflowers and supporting incredible numbers of breeding waders, and a special home for the rare Corncrake. Little and Arctic Terns nest in the dunes and sandy fields, and raptors including Hen Harrier, Golden and White-tailed Eagle patrol the hills and moorlands. Along the miles of white sandy beaches small parties of Turnstone, Sanderling, and other waders in full summer plumage can be seen, and groups of Whimbrel and Black-tailed Godwit are en route to the tundra! Inland still lochs have breeding divers, and duck and Short-eared Owls patrol looking for voles. The wheezy calls of Twite, Skylarks in song, and the chacking calls of Stonechats and Wheatears accompany our walks.

"The good views and the sheer number of Short-eared Owls and Hen Harriers. The boat trip and the sightings of dolphins, Manx Shearwaters, etc. on the return ferry crossing. The congenial company and Isabelle's cooking and just the whole atmosphere." Ann Farrer, 2021

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